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Pok�mon GO

Genre: Augmented Reality

Developer: Niantic

Release Date: 2016-07-06

Platforms: iOS, Android

Gameplay Overview: An augmented reality game where players catch Pok�mon in the real world.

Graphics and Sound: Real-world integration, dynamic sound

Storyline: Explore and catch Pok�mon outdoors

Monetization: Free-to-play with in-app purchases

Multiplayer Features: Multiplayer gym battles and raids

Unique Features: Real-world exploration

Pros: Engaging and promotes physical activity

Cons: Dependent on location

Rating: 8.5/10

User Reviews: Very popular for its unique AR features

Screenshots: View Screenshots

Videos: Watch Videos

Version: v0.203.0

Age Rating: Everyone

Download Game: Download

Compatibility: iOS 10 and up, Android 6.0 and up

Language Support: Multiple languages